Any ideas??? Droopy comb and white'ish face, a little lethargic???


8 Years
May 14, 2011
I have 10 hens, one rooster. I live in Los Angeles and a couple hens are molting. But two hens are a little lethargic and their combs have drooped over and their faces seem pale. Any reasons why this would be the case? I have had issues with them pooping in their water container because they stand on the top of it (I have since fixed). But perhaps they drank bad water? They are 2.5yrs old. Overall they're hanging in there, but one used to be a very robust, aggressive hen, the strongest one in the group, now she's a little meek and timid, because I don't think she feels great.

Any ideas would be very welcome. I love these birds and they have been great layers.

Have you checked for mites/lice, have they been wormed? That could be the cause. If they're molting, that can take alot out of a chicken also. Make sure they have plenty of protein. I'd check her for mites/lice first and see if that's the cause. If those things check out, I would worm them if they've never been wormed before. Hope this helps.
Great, thanks for the tips! I am going to take them in tomorrow. One is definitely molting, but the other one with the pale face doesn't seem to be losing feathers. I didn't realize molting was such a traumatic thing. Poor gals. Still getting 6 eggs a day out of ten hens, so that's good.

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