Any ideas for a name? (pic)


8 Years
Apr 7, 2011
These are my new little girls. The blue runner is Dolly because she is such a sweetheart. She loves to sit down and is content to nap in your lap all day. The black one is the one I'm having trouble naming. She looks really cute, right? Well she's crazy too...
She loves biting anything and everything- hard! She bites my hand and then turns her head back and forth like she's trying to take a piece out. Luckily it doesn't hurt (yet)... She loves eating anything that moves, including mosquitos and spiders. She likes to jump and can almost get out of the plastic pool brooder. She also does this weird slinking around thing where she runs while crouched down. Kinda reminds me of a cat stalking prey. While she was sleeping in my hand yesterday she tried biting me while she was asleep... so that's what I mean by crazy

Can anyone think of a good name for this crazy duckling? Thanks!

My dad had a love bird who would bite his ears... he called him Mike...hope you get the reference... I would go with Nibbles if you want something more feminine...that or Bitey-Billy, But Peckering is my favorite because it sounds english (I name all my birds old english names if I can think of them...Manfred, Godfrey, Earnestine, Geraldine, Henrietta)
Thanks for all the great ideas! I think my favorite is Darkwing. This is actually the one my boyfriend was supposed to name so it's up to him for the final say... but we were both out of ideas!

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