Any ideas for my sick Lacy?


7 Years
Mar 29, 2014
Ok.... Any ideas? Lacy my Amaurecana started sounding sick about 4 days ago. We separated her right away & are putting Oxytetracycline in her water, but she still sounds the same. Rattled congested breathing & sneezing. Eyes look normal. She is eating, drinking & popping normally & active & has even laid 2 eggs. None of the other hens are showing any symptoms....

Your picture did not show up. Several of the respiratory diseases in chickens are caused by viruses, such as infectious bronchitis. Sneezing and a runny nose are signs. They will not be cured by an antibiotic, although it may help to prevent a secondary infection. Viruses will run their course usually over several weeks. If more symptoms show up, it could be another disease. With most diseases it helps to keep them warmer, encourage drinking fluids, and use a little probiotic plain yogurt.

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