Any ideas of how to remove Bats without harming them?

To make them use the bat houses you have to put guano in the bat house. It has to smell of batliness before they'll use it.

SO if they leave for the winter, build bat houses and put them around the barn, in the eaves, 'seeded' with poop. Then be vigilant about sealing the barn, cleaning it out, and keeping it closed up in the spring.
Is it dark in your barn during the day? Have you tried turning lights on in there during the day? I would think that lots of activity and light out there would discourage them.
I have bats too I see mine way into the fall ( october) here the wether is quiet temperate here I am at the south end of the chesapeake bay the OP is in georgia it is probably warmer there when the poop is handled it needs to be wet if dry the chance of contracting histoplasmosis is much higher if it gets airborne (dust) you are going to have problems
I have no idea how to rid bats....I am actually trying to get bats to move in.

To make them use the bat houses you have to put guano in the bat house. It has to smell of batliness before they'll use it.

Thank you! Our bat house has been standing empty for a very long time. Now, I know why.​
Thank you! Our bat house has been standing empty for a very long time. Now, I know why.

Agreed! Thanks for the insight. If this works, I will be able to keep my bats and walk through my barn in peace late in the evenings.

You know Barney Fife of "The Andy Griffith Show" fame, said that if a bat gets tangled in your hair, you will go insane! After hearing that flitter of those tiny wings so close to my head, I can see where that really could happen.
I remember that! Sadly enough, Barney Fife's bit of wisdom informed me about bats for the better part of my childhood.
Good luck with your bats Lbrad7. Many of us wished we had your bats.
if you can get up to where they are roosting you can take old panty hose and put moth balls in them an nail them up. i have had good sucess with this with my nuisance trapping. i put these up and tell customer after a week or 2 call someone in to seal up openings (attic, etc)
Thanks for the tip but I think I am going to give the guano in the bat house idea a try. I really do not want them to leave my property completely, just my barn in the evenings when its time to close up the chickens. Unlike what you see on TV where at dusk they have that great exodus out of the mouth of the cave to feed; my little buddies seem just fine with flying back in forth though the walkway of my barn and not leaving. I suspect they are leaving later in the evening but their "warm up" flights through my walkway are on the same schedule as my time to close my birds up for the evening.

Thanks again for all of your ideas! As usual they have been great but I am really looking forward to building these bat houses. Maybe they will even attract more to my property and in a place where they won't clash with my daily chores.
A few weeks ago there was an all day tv marathon of Billy the Exterminator. We happened to watch one episode dealing with bats. He used soapy water to shoo them out of an attic louver. I searched for the episode online, but couldn't find it. I do know that it's the first episode of the season and it first aired back in March. Good Luck

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