Any ideas on sex of these 6 chicks


In the Brooder
May 3, 2024
First i would like to say thank you to anyone who assists. Your time and knowledge is appreciated greatly.

These babies are almost 3 weeks old with one being probably a bit older since its so much bigger. They are all different breeds so i have nothing to compare traits with.

Id really like help with the sex of these chicks but confirmation on breeds would be helpful also. First time owner and the breeds were just written down on the box with vague description and ive had to try to figure out who is who.

Chick 1: Sapphire Sky? can you verify this? (Idgie)




Chick 2: Light Brahma (Grace)



Chick 3: Silver Laced Wyandotte? (Ruth)




Chick 4: blue rock?? (Agnes)



These next 2 chicks looked very similar (chipmunky) when i got them so i never could tell who was who even though they look very different now. Was written on paper Welsummer and Ameraucana. Help lol.

Chick 5: ??? (Moira)



Chick 6: ??? (Mabel) - has always been larger, i assume its a few days older.



Pardon the bathroom shots, only room in the house with decent lighting. If you need photos of anything else lmk.
The one you're calling a blue rock is the only one that looks like a probably cockerel at this point. I believe it is a Sapphire Gem male.
Thank you I likely have the two greys mixed up. Is Sapphire Gem and Sapphire Sky the same as i was told one of the chicks is a Sapphire Sky
Thank you I likely have the two greys mixed up. Is Sapphire Gem and Sapphire Sky the same as i was told one of the chicks is a Sapphire Sky
They're not the exact same but similar. Gems are from Hoover Hatchery, Skys are from Townline hatchery. Both are blue sex links, meaning females will be solid blue and have no head spot as chicks, and males will have the head spot as a chick and later develop barring. Females won't be barred as adults.

So your chick could easily be a Sapphire Sky if that is what you were told.
Grace (Light Brahma) and Ruth (Silver Laced Wyandotte) look like they are the right breed.

I have trouble with many of the blue breeds and hybrids, so I'm not really sure about Idgie and Agnes.

I think Agnes might be developing a small crest on the head, but it's hard to be sure at this age. If Agnes does end up with a crested head, that would be right for a Sapphire Sky, according to the pictures on this page:

I am afraid that Agnes is probably a male. Many of the blue hybrids are sexlinks, where males have a light dot on their head at hatch and grow white barring in their feathers, and females do not. I definitely see the light dot, I think I see the barring (it's not as clear on blue as it would be on black), and I see a big comb too.

(Not every barred chick is a male-- Barred Rock females are an obvious example-- but sexlinks with barred males/ unbarred females are quite common.)

If Agnes is the Sapphire Sky, then Idgie would be the "Blue Rock" (another sexlink hybrid, so the coloring would be saying that Idgie is female: no light head spot, no barring in the feathers.)

Sapphire Sky should lay olive (green) eggs or maybe brown, Blue Rock should lay brown eggs.

The Plymouth Rock chicken breed can come in the color blue (feather color), but the "Blue Rocks" being sold by hatcheries are actually a cross of Plymouth Rocks (probably Barred color) with something else, so they are hybrids and not a pure breed.

These next 2 chicks looked very similar (chipmunky) when i got them so i never could tell who was who even though they look very different now. Was written on paper Welsummer and Ameraucana. Help lol.

Chick 5: ??? (Moira)
This chick is not a Welsummer. The chick has green feet, a pea comb, and extra feathers on the sides of the face (muffs). None of those traits should be in a Welsummer, but all of them are common in Easter Eggers (often mis-labelled as Ameraucanas.)

So I think Moira is your "Ameraucana," really an Easter Egger. Actual purebred Ameraucanas have a few differences, including blue feet instead of green ones.

Chick 6: ??? (Mabel) - has always been larger, i assume its a few days older.
This chick is not a Welsummer either. Welsummers have single combs (like what Idgie and Agnes have.)

I think Mabel has a rose comb, and that coloring looks Gold Laced, so I think Mabel is a Gold Laced Wyandotte.
They're not the exact same but similar. Gems are from Hoover Hatchery, Skys are from Townline hatchery. Both are blue sex links, meaning females will be solid blue and have no head spot as chicks, and males will have the head spot as a chick and later develop barring. Females won't be barred as adults.
The biggest difference I can find: Sapphire Gems are supposed to lay brown eggs, Sapphire Skys are supposed to lay olive eggs (with a few laying brown anyway, but that's not the color they are really trying for.)
Grace (Light Brahma) and Ruth (Silver Laced Wyandotte) look like they are the right breed.

I have trouble with many of the blue breeds and hybrids, so I'm not really sure about Idgie and Agnes.

I think Agnes might be developing a small crest on the head, but it's hard to be sure at this age. If Agnes does end up with a crested head, that would be right for a Sapphire Sky, according to the pictures on this page:

I am afraid that Agnes is probably a male. Many of the blue hybrids are sexlinks, where males have a light dot on their head at hatch and grow white barring in their feathers, and females do not. I definitely see the light dot, I think I see the barring (it's not as clear on blue as it would be on black), and I see a big comb too.

(Not every barred chick is a male-- Barred Rock females are an obvious example-- but sexlinks with barred males/ unbarred females are quite common.)

If Agnes is the Sapphire Sky, then Idgie would be the "Blue Rock" (another sexlink hybrid, so the coloring would be saying that Idgie is female: no light head spot, no barring in the feathers.)

Sapphire Sky should lay olive (green) eggs or maybe brown, Blue Rock should lay brown eggs.

The Plymouth Rock chicken breed can come in the color blue (feather color), but the "Blue Rocks" being sold by hatcheries are actually a cross of Plymouth Rocks (probably Barred color) with something else, so they are hybrids and not a pure breed.

This chick is not a Welsummer. The chick has green feet, a pea comb, and extra feathers on the sides of the face (muffs). None of those traits should be in a Welsummer, but all of them are common in Easter Eggers (often mis-labelled as Ameraucanas.)

So I think Moira is your "Ameraucana," really an Easter Egger. Actual purebred Ameraucanas have a few differences, including blue feet instead of green ones.

This chick is not a Welsummer either. Welsummers have single combs (like what Idgie and Agnes have.)

I think Mabel has a rose comb, and that coloring looks Gold Laced, so I think Mabel is a Gold Laced Wyandotte.
that is a lot of REALLY helpful information. thank you so much. I had thoughts that Moria may be an easter egger recently.

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