Any Ideas on what these are?


7 Years
Aug 26, 2015
The first four pictures are of two chicks that I hatched this year,first to are Pod and next two are Pea. These pictures are a month or two old and I am trying to get some more updated pictures,. In the meantime I wanted to get a thread started to see if anyone could identify what I may have. And yes they are named Pea and Pod, they are inseparable. The Fifth picture is of a full grown roo that my spouse got me at auction a few months ago, just curious as to his breed if known. I have another hen that I will be adding a little later when I get the updated pictures of Pea and Pod, unable to put my hands on the upload cord. LOL. Any way, ideas?

No regrets at all, Pea and Pod will remain part of our immediate family. They were our first attempt at incubation and they have our hearts. This one here is the hen that I have been trying to get pictures of, a little wet do to the badly needed rain we have gotten. She was found on the side of the road and has come a long way from when we got her. Her actual color is that of her head, she looks darker here because she had been playing with Pea and Pod in the rain. They usually are found away from the rest of the flock who are a bit older and bigger than these three but they do hold their own.


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