Any New Mexico chicken lovers here?

Welcome to BYC!
From Los Alamos, currently building a coop using basically recycled materials and a lot of creativity. I am a novice too, flying by the seat of my pants mostly, but having a good time doing it.
I'm in the Farmington area. I'm just getting back to raising chickens. I raised chickens with my grandmother until I went and got cityfied.
You can almost raise any breed you'd like in this area. My other grandma used to hatch and sell chicks, all different kinds. She had pens of different breeds all over her property.
Up to, and including emu's.
I always liked the domineckers, aracaunas, and amaracaunas.
After taking 18 years off, I'm going to try to raise chickens again.

We got our coop done, and got our girls about a week ago! I love my hens, we got them from James ranch in Durango so we have 2 speckled Sussex, 2 barred rocks, 2 black stars. They are now getting used to us and will let us pet them very briefly. They are pretty fun to watch- I also have a 20 month great pryneese/lab and 2 elderly pitbulls that love the chickens too in a good way!
I can't post pictures from my phone to here otherwise I'd show ya pictures! Good luck on your chicken raising
my coop is still in the works. I took our old hog pen and have the chickens in there for now. they have multiple areas to shelter, and have mowed down the waist high weeds. I can't let them free range due to the hawks and a family of foxes. I chose the hog pen because it has cement a foot deep all the way around with anticlimb fence,reinforced with chicken wire. there is also chicken wire draped over the top, but there are holes in that.
I have a dog run that I am planning to do the same with. It is about a foot taller and easier to go into and out of. I will reinforce the anti-climb with the chicken wire, build a nice sized coop, and then have the chicken wire draped over the top.
my coop is still in the works. I took our old hog pen and have the chickens in there for now. they have multiple areas to shelter, and have mowed down the waist high weeds. I can't let them free range due to the hawks and a family of foxes. I chose the hog pen because it has cement a foot deep all the way around with anticlimb fence,reinforced with chicken wire. there is also chicken wire draped over the top, but there are holes in that.
I have a dog run that I am planning to do the same with. It is about a foot taller and easier to go into and out of. I will reinforce the anti-climb with the chicken wire, build a nice sized coop, and then have the chicken wire draped over the top.

That is so awesome you are working on your coop! If you ever need any help, or wanna spread your coop idea to others you can always post it here on our Coop and Run forum

I hope you and your flock are enjoying this beautiful coop your building!
From Los Alamos - Spent the day with yall chickens, they were good girls for the most part. Got the bedroom cleaned up after those juvenile delinquents peck through the screen door broke into my bedroom, found the bag of mealworms, roosted on the furniture and pooped all over the place. Breaking and entering, ransacking and vandalizing the place while I was in El Paso getting dental work. Lessons learned, a bored chicken is a destructive chicken, oh there is a ring leader too, and she is a clever bird. We have afternoon free-range time, they get to run around the yard, I sprinkle scratch on the ground, they dig up the dirt and take a dust bath. The come up to the coop in progress and check out the new digs, they even hang all ghetto homegirls with the dog.

While down in El Paso I stopped at a feed store, yall chickens are down to the last bit of chick start and ready for laying feed, double bingo hit the jackpot. They had 50 lb bags of Onate, unmedicated 22% layer pellets, at a great price, this is the gold standard of laying feeds. I went back to my car and visually measure the volume of the back seat, went back and got 3 bags. I have been reading about the nutritional needs of laying hens and the more protein the better. Found a list of proteins good for chickens. Dried fish flakes and dried liver being right at the top, ok so off to find dried fish. Talin market has dried fish flakes, no salt, great! Then I found tiny dried anchovies, ok lets try those and lets just say, I got a variety. Tried three new foods and yall chickens loved the new treats, cherries, can't go wrong there, but the two fish treats yall chickens went crazy for. Each day I give them fresh vegetables and fruits, sprinkle in mealworms and scratch, bit of grit, now I will be sprinkling in the dried fish and nutritional yeast. Picked up a bunch of new foods for them to try. New foods are always introduced with hand feeding, We have a routine, I sit on the stoop and feed them treats by hand, they run up to me and fight to sit on my lap, gobbling up treats while I pet them. They will let me know if they don't like something.

Working on the coop, slow but steady. Doing it by myself, watching youtube videos and knowing it will not be perfect. tomorrow is a big day, pouring a cement slab inside the coop. I think they are going to like the new coop and the big run.
I live in las cruces if you still need homes for your chickens. These are used strictly for eggs and pets. Mine are cooped pm and free range daytime.

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