Any one no what breed these are

Can anyone identify the breed of this girl?

I believe that's a silver spangled Hamburg.
just seen something like that when I was looking for what mine were I didn't think to look either
congratulations on getting a hen as the free chick! They're usually cockerels. The Hamburgs are supposed to be great layers, just little eggs to go with their little bodies
so im a little upset right now my little roo in the pic died yesterday afternoon
not really sure why he had a clear discharge out of his mouth now momma girl has a little weezyness going on she seems to be eating and drinking not sure what is going on and is that contagious to my other stock
silver spangled hamburg- she's a doll. If possible take one to the vet - you don't want to end up losing all while trying to get opinions on what they have.
Found out what they where orlandsk dwarfs my little girl is the sweetest thing in the world a real pet chicken lol

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