Any professionals out there?

I consider myself a professional. I am a social worker in child protective services. I have worked in Social Work for 23 years and in child protective services for 16 years.I would like to be a professional chicken farmer.
I am a professional special educator for 22 years. I have 1 masters degree in education and a second masters degree in special education in progress. I have several licenses in various areas to enable me to teach the students I encounter daily. I LOVE to learn but when this masters degree is complete I am DONE! I have discovered that I have many things I would rather be learning about than things that require a book. Chickens, ducks, dogs, garden, quilts and the simple things of life are more important than a degree or license.
Just my humble opinion for my humble family. But I have discovered through all the classes and learning I have done, that I have the most supportive DH and I appreciate him so very much.
Not sure why exactly, but I really take offence at your post.
Professionals take WAY more forms than that. eg Chef, hairstylist and mechanic....all have extensive training. If you are asking about PHD's? then they are not worth the paper they are written on mostly. For instance ...I left school to take on an apprenticeship as a hairdresser...did 4 years of school with in salon training...then split off into studying diseases of the hair and scalp for an additional 2 years and learned to trim expensive hand made hairpieces for people that had lost all hair to Kemo etc (one wrong snip and thats $600+ down the drain) ......does that make me a professional?
I have my MBA and work as a financial planner. The 10 acres will hopefully begin to generate a profit by the time the kids start college and help get them all their education.. In the meantime, they are all learning about life, responsibilities, hard work and the fruits of your labors..
Right now I'm a "professional animal breeder".
Technically once I start making money from my photography, I will be classified as a professional.

But I will be pursuing my childhood dream of become a veterinarian, possibly with equine and exotics specialties.
Thank all of you for your posts. I generally wanted to know what BYC'ers did for a living, no matter what it was. To see and to show that so many people, with diverse occupations ranging from law enforcement to home makers have an affinity for raising chickens. Whether it be for pets, meat birds, or eggs!
Thank you!

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