Any reason to avoid hand-feeding?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 15, 2011
Hi folks -- I searched the forums, but didn't see anything. Our chickens have access to several large outdoor runs that we rotate for fresh grass, along with chicken feed and a seed block. In the evenings when we're just chilling with the chicks, the little chicken farmers (ages 4 and 2) like to help feed 'em. It's pretty cute seeing them with their hands out and the girls are pretty gentle. Anyway, is there any reason we shouldn't hand feed the flock? I wasn't sure if we were setting up a bad habit w/ the chicks where they might peck the fire out of us later.
I do it with BOSS and it is fun for everyone, they seem to enjoy it and I have fun watching them. Plus, whenever I come out with a bag of seeds, they come running up to me like begging dogs. I see no harm in feeding them that way.
If you don't have any roosters it's a good thing to get the kids invovled, but if you have a rooster I would advise against hand feeding the rooster. It's the main reason or habit that contributes to them turning bad on you. Ok so now let the Nay sayers wiegh in as they most certainly will on the rooster topic.
Go for it. The only problem will be when they run you over to get at the treats. LOL It is good for taming them and getting them easier to handle, enjoy!
Good deal. I got to wondering about it when one rooster thought my finger was a juicy caterpillar.
they're about12 weeks old and very gentle so far. I guess I'll keep our spoiling routine going.
The only reason I can think of not to do it is you or the kids will be followed closely, often tripped, everytime you go near the flock. It will look a little like this:


and when you forget the treats? You'll look like this
Al6517 I agree with you!!!! I've raised numerous specie of animals. When you take away all fear of humans then they had better have respect for humans. Roosters are more aggressive(to a greater or lesser extent) than hens and once they know that they can intimidate you it is very difficult to instill respect. It is very easy to intimidate a small child and once that child shows fear he/she is done for in roosters eyes!! I suggest that you choose one hen. Remove her from the flock for feeding time and love her all you want. Then return her to flock. Keep on friendly terms with rooster but don't give him idea that he deserves treats.
I've had chickens for about 12 years - both roosters and hens....I also had roosters (and hens) growing up. As a child, I always carried my rooster around in my arms and handfed him too. He enjoyed being loved and held and he never hurt me. In fact, he enjoyed it more than the hen. I am much older now but still enjoy handfeeding both the roosters and the hens and still don't have a problem with either. I really think it depends on the rooster(s) you have. My roosters are very gentle and I'd never be without them. In fact, some of my roosters are nicer than some of my hens. Good luck with whatever you decide.
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