Any thoughts on Breeds of hen?


7 Years
Jul 26, 2012
Any idea what this hen might be crossed with? She is stunning.. She was from a mixed hatch where I got a blue cochin bantam a mille fleur duccle and some little oegb mix.

She had a beard and feathers on her feet and is a bantam. We are just curious what people may think because we are stumped..

Any idea what this hen might be crossed with? She is stunning.. She was from a mixed hatch where I got a blue cochin bantam a mille fleur duccle and some little oegb mix.

She had a beard and feathers on her feet and is a bantam. We are just curious what people may think because we are stumped..


:love. She is gorgeous!!
She may be a Buff Brahma/D'Anvers mix. However, it can be quite hard to identify the exact breeds that go into a mix.
I could see her being a mix of d'uccle and cochin. She's kind of a mix of the soft/fluffy of the cochin, and the upright of the d'uccle. That combo could give feathered legs and beard. Agree she's quite the pretty lady!
I am really hoping someone can help me identify this rooster of mine. I thought he was a blue Wyandotte, but his skin is dark... Help

He looks like mix. Could you try and get a side and comb shot I him?
Any idea what this hen might be crossed with? She is stunning.. She was from a mixed hatch where I got a blue cochin bantam a mille fleur duccle and some little oegb mix.

She had a beard and feathers on her feet and is a bantam. We are just curious what people may think because we are stumped..


Lovely mix!!!!!

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