Any thoughts? What breed is my 15 week old rooster?


7 Years
Aug 21, 2012
Suffolk VA
Hello all.

My 15 week old rooster, affectionately called Glory, is starting to display his adult feathers. He's in the process of losing and gaining feathers, so keep in mind he's still changing into his "manly feathers". I hatched him from a group of mixed eggs. Any guesses about his breed or mix? Fyi, he's the chick in my avatar.

Well, he's a mix. A mix of what is the question!

My first thought would be easter egger and cochin. Those are both farily common breeds and could account for the comb, beard and muffs, color, and feathered legs. Also the size, he looks to be fairly large.

Bearded large fowl are easter eggers, orloffs and faverolles. I'm not thinking of any others right off. Faverolles have feathered legs but I think straight combs. Does he have five toes or the usual four? Five would mean some faverolle blood.

Feather legged large fowl are cochins, brahmas, marans, faverolles. Brahmas have pea combs, so could be brahma blood.

I'm still thinking ee/cochin. It's just what I think when I look at him. He's sure a handsome bird!
Blue EE and blue Cochin cross is my guess

Very handsome fellow!!
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He is my baby.... for the first 3 weeks of his life he was "human" cause he was an only chick. We named her Gloria cause we just knew she was a girl... then at 7 weeks old "she" crowed, and became Glory. Love him to pieces.....

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