any tricks you would like to share?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 24, 2007
is there anything you can do to try to get more pulletts than roos in a hatch? humidity, temp, etc.?? more pointy the end means a roo?
HOT method - Hen On Top

never know..give it a try.
Hen on top. But after rereading your post seems like you incubate. Haven't heard anything anyone will swear by. The older folks say the pointed egg thing means Rooster. <shrug>
Nothing to do with humidity - correct, As far as the "HOT" method goes. Guess the pointiness (new word) is just a judgement call. I've posted my silliness on a thread much like this one before. Choosing your eggs by roundness or how pointy...just choose the more rounded eggs for a hen and If a rooster is hatched you either misjudged the point or missed the point altogether. Would be interesting to see some test results using all three methods you mentioned, separately and used jointly.

Seems to me that you can't just dismiss an old wives tale. They have a way of working much to everyones surprise. Try the pointed/rounded egg method 1st. You'll hear things like "My grandfather/grandmother swears by it" and so on. Try that one 1st. Maybe someday you'll be the subject of one of your grandkids posts!

Good luck and don't keep any secrets you may happen upon.
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Egg shape doesn't matter one bit, nor does temp or humidity. If there was any way to tweek it so there'd be more pullets than roos the large hatcheries would be doing it.

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