Anybody on here ever eaten balut?

Olongapo brings back so many fond memories of Subic Bay. I had R&R there between stints in Vietnam. Let me see, back in '65. Had to have some Tiger or San Miguel for the balut. Thanks for bringing back those memories!
USMC----the MENS department of the Navy.............
Yes, Olongapo brings back many fond memories. Unfortunately, it also brings back many memories that are not so fond but rather is a reminder of just how deep in depravity one can go when they are lost as I was at that time.

I'll never forget the great food, great buys, and great people of the Philippines though.

God Bless,
No I have not... but I have a friend who is from Vietnam... and he is ALWAYS trying to get me to sell him duck eggs I am trying to hatch. One day I might, he's my husband's best friend and its a favorite homeland favorite of his... I don't know of anyone or any Asian store nearby who does it.
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I have Philipino workers and we have balut Fridays....They see who can eat the most ......I am the boss so I don't have to eat it....Makes me quesy watching them eat it, Some of the eggs are really developed feathers and all..Mini beaks and the EYES,,,ohhhh getting pukey thinking of it.....They Chant Balut Balut...I call 2 of my employees the Balut Brothers.......I pay for the eggs and they eat them......

I've never had balut, but I'm in the Bay Area too so see them widely available...

Speaking of beaks and whatnot, how about those mini octopus in the Japanese restaurants. Now that really creeps me out... But normally, I like almost anything!
Ahaha, balut! Funny coincidence, I had never heard about it until yesterday. I was watching an episode of Destination Truth where they traveled to the Philippines. Josh Gates (the host) convinced several crew members to give it a try.

All I can say is, just watching it on TV was enough to make me glad to be a vegetarian!

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