Anybody own a ps3?

I dont have a ps3 but I do like your name.... I used to watch inuyasha alot but stopped cuase I had to start going to bed early so I could take my kid to school. I tried to get back into it but after missing that many episodes I was lost.
I have the complete series of inuyasha which is not in USA. I went to japan to visit my relatives for a while. I also bought a few inuyasha movies and had the necklace but gve it to my ex. I have the game for the PS2 but beat it and its now collecting dust. Thank you for the compliment!
I considered getting the PS3 but, the price tag made it stupid to buy. We decided at the beginning of the year to try the Xbox360 and never looked back. The graphics are awesome, its cheaper (well, not now since sony lowever their price) and alot easier user interface. One thing I loved was in one game, (It was a racing game) you could put in your own CD's and then take those songs, rename them, and use them in the game for your background music. (I dont have the game anymore though)
We watched a DVD on the Xbox last night and playing a DVD on it compared to the Playstations was ALOT easier.
I had the 360 and the wii and sold them both lol. The problem I had with the 360 was that it scratched up my call of duty 3 game. The wii was sold because I tore my muscle with the hitting in baseball and tennis. Now its the ps3's turn for the test drive. The reason it is so high is because of the blu-ray device. Those alone sell for at least $400-500. Another thing I had with the 360 was the online problem. $50.00 a year plus you had to pay extra for credits. The wii was ok. but more exspensive with credits. $20.00 for 600 credits I think to play classic games. After I sold the wii the guy said it crashed on him and thanked me for adding the 2 year warrenty with the reciept. I may go back to the 360 id there are problems with it. I just want a game system that will last forever like my NES and atari.
Ha! I just pulled out my old NES a couple of weeks ago. Last night i beat dragon warrior for the first time.
And my son loves to play the old Mario Bros. I am going to go on ebay soon to get a zapper gun so he can play duck hunt. I was amazed that the thing actually worked still.
Yall are so right about the old game systems, I have a SNES that has lasted ages.I love to play but it's been a long time.I've got a few games, Donkey Kong (don't laugh),Street Fighter& Super Mario World,several others I can't remember.

All oldies but goodies.

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