Anybody own Call Ducks?


9 Years
Jul 11, 2011
I'm hopefully going to have some Snowy Call ducklings soon.
Does anybody know if they require any special care? I've never had Calls before, so this is new for me. Are they hardy? Will they be okay in a 4' by 10' pen? Should I dig down a few inches and fill it with river gravel and sand (I've heard that will keep the pen cleaner)? I'm open to any care information you're able to provide. Also, feel free to post pictures of your Calls for me to admire(I love to see everybodies birds, lol!)
I keep my call ducks up off the ground during breeding season in hutches, they stay nice and clean give them a bin to swim in and half with hay to get off the wire. they are perfectly content in that and no weasles can come eat your exspensive investment. You could raise them on the ground too but watch out for sore on their feet. they ALWAYS need a fresh clean bed to avoid this.
Out of all the Call colors, Snowys are definately my favorite! I like the Blue Fawns, too
! I found a lot of nice Call pics on Mallard Lane Farms. She has some awsome birds
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