Anyone attach RFID or GPS trackers to their ducks?


6 Years
Nov 8, 2013
Completely serious question.

If so, does anyone have an economical solution to that?

2 of our 3 drakes have decided that, rather than hop in the lovely pond we built for them, they want to go wandering off deep into the woods and wetlands surrounding our yard.

I kind of get that. Right now it's a marshy, wet wonderland, filled with mud (they love to dabble in the mud), puddles, a stream, piles of leaves with undoubtedly all sorts of insects and small green growing things to find.

But both of them are dumb as dirt, and we're not sure they are capable of finding their way back. If I can get within 15 yards of them they'll come to my whistle, but further than that (and it's remarkable how far they can get if you don't pay attention for 30 seconds), they've taken to ignoring me, and the wetlands are dense enough and big enough that it's hard to spot two little ducks.

We have found various solutions online (including an outfit in Mexico that makes these things for research!), but nothing economical. So, if anyone has taken a trip to Radio Shack or Fry's and come up with a more home grown solution, that would be cool!
I have used a lot of transmitters in research. Most units cost about $150/unit in bulk. GPS transmitters are more. You also need a received that is about $2500, and antenna, coax cable, etc. Satellite transmitters are about $2500 each and another $1000/year for days download.

RFID only have a range of a few feet depending upon the strength of your emitter. Tags are cheap, it's the reader that is expensive and they wouldn't work for your application.

Your numbers are not crazy from what we've seen...

There are now some WiFi transmitter/Smartphone solutions out there that work to tens of yards, but not much cheaper than what you've got above.

Not as expensive as the pond, but ...

(The ducks, of course, were $5 each. It's the accessories that will get you :))
3 years later, I'd like to bump this thread please. My ducks keep getting out in a residential area and I was hoping to attach a device to at least one if not both of my ducks. As duck keepers we are all aware that the device would need to be small and lightweight, waterproof, and somehow able to fit around probably a foot. I will do some research, but I wanted to also ask if anyone just happened to have good luck with and recommend something as the ones I am starting to look at are geared towards dogs and cats.
3 years later, I'd like to bump this thread please. My ducks keep getting out in a residential area and I was hoping to attach a device to at least one if not both of my ducks. As duck keepers we are all aware that the device would need to be small and lightweight, waterproof, and somehow able to fit around probably a foot. I will do some research, but I wanted to also ask if anyone just happened to have good luck with and recommend something as the ones I am starting to look at are geared towards dogs and cats.
I am trying to look into this myself. Of course this original thread is quite old now. Did you have any luck? Times have changed significantly since then. I’ve found these apple tags and waterproof holders. People use them for their cats and dogs, but I’m most sure about birds.
Our call ducks keep hiding their nests, and of course we want their eggs for hatching etc the BIGGEST issue is when they go broody and we have no idea where they are 🤦🏻‍♀️ We nearly lost one from the very situation, and did lose a Guinea fowl hen this way. She came back one day with me no babies and missing feathers.
So if I can use a tracker on just one… they typically share or go close to each other, I could alleviate all this added stress. Just always take MOST of the eggs but leave a couple. Also continue to try and make comfy places in the coop 🤷🏻‍♀️
Anyone tried tracking their birds? Wonder how to do this with a bird that is so tiny AND swims 🫣

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