anyone doing well on less than 20% protein?

I am not sure of the grams of protein in an egg, but it is not always the high percent of protein but the kind of protein. Because eggs have all the building blocks of life in them, all the protein is usable to the bird so they make great additions to the diet. Never give them a raw egg because this will train them to break and eat their own eggs. So always cooked eggs.

Yes, fish shouldn't be fed every day, but you can feed it once or twice a week with no fishy taste in the eggs.

I have never feed meat to quail but I do feed cooked ground turkey to my chickens. (they go nuts over it and it is GREAT for times of molting) Meat is really high in protein. Poultry feeds all used to contain animal protein until people started complaining that they didn't like animal products in their birds feed and now use plant proteins instead. So it is safe to feed your birds cooked meat if they will eat it.

You could feed them some cooked soy beans. (never feed raw beans of any kind) Cooked lentils, things like this. These are really high in protein. Do your homework on other beans as some beans may not be safe for poultry to eat.

Use your imagination. My quail eat just about everything I throw at them. LOL But if they have never seen strange foods, it can take them time to try them. So give them time to adjust to new foods. Once they get used to you feeding them strange things, they usually eat first and ask questions about what they ate after. LOL
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