Anyone due on the 16th?

Losing 1 isn't so bad. Be sure to post us pics when your babies hatch!

Will do! Getting closer and so excited - candled last night and can hardly see anything anymore in a few of them. No "bad" ones yet out of the remaining 12 - keeping my nose and eyes open.
Yay! I candled on day 12 (we're on 14 now) and only had to toss 2 of the Black Copper Marans eggs. Red is sitting on 4 EE and 5 BCM now. I can't wait!
Mee! Lol I did 4 eggs under my broody banty hen. She sat on 3 regular size eggs white leghorn x barred rock & a banty egg a fawn duckwing. but I'm now down to two..
one wasnt fertile, and I think the rooster pecked a hole in the other egg. I went to check on them and it had a hole in the shell, and the baby had already died.
I sure do hope the others get their fighting chance!
I have 4 out of 10 that are "good" after candling early this AM, so lockdown 13th evening and hope fully 4 lavender orpingtons:celebrate
PS Also received another batch of Lavender Orps mistakenly from an ebayer, he had already sent me the eggs and shipped me another batch, did contact him and he said , enjoy the lavender orps, I feel I should at least pay him for shipping, any thoughts???
I have 2 ducks due this week sometime.. I didn't keep track of the exact day,,but I know this week not past the 17th.

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