Anyone else get a Frazzle when breeding Frizzle x Standard?

Good Steward

In the Brooder
Mar 31, 2021
So I was informed that breeding Frizzle x Frizzle gets you a 25% risk of Frazzle as far as genetics goes. However, I breed Frizzle x Standard only for this very reason.

My Cockerel is a very clean feathered Frizzle Serama and his paired hen was a clean Standard (she passed early this winter while trying to hatch a batch, we get a lot of black widows and I wonder if that was what killed her. I'm constantly hunting those around their pens). They'd had a few batches of eggs she hatched and no problem, however. Gwendolyn from their last batch shows recent sign of brittle feathering like a frazzle would. She lays tan eggs so I don't hatch hers though she stays with my other sets. She is 6 months old. She's a beautiful hen and its her wings primaries only.
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That is interesting, though I don’t think she’s a frazzle. Mainly because it’s only on her wings and the rest of her feathers look to be in good quality. I’ve seen a few other chickens like this, so it isn’t unheard of. Is she with roosters?
I don't think she'd be genetically a Frazzle. Frizzle is a fairly obvious gene, I trust that you are breeding Frizzle x Non-Frizzle although just in case, do you have ANY frizzle hens who could have been the mother (not the smooth feathered hen?)

She doesn't neccesarily look like a normal Frazzle (and genetically, it's improbably, impossible if you're positive about the parents) could it just be that she's a normal Frizzle with poor feathering?
So I was informed that breeding Frizzle x Frizzle gets you a 25% risk of Frazzle as far as genetics goes. However, I breed Frizzle x Standard only for this very reason.

My Cockerel is a very clean feathered Frizzle Serama and his paired hen was a clean Standard (she passed early this winter while trying to hatch a batch, we get a lot of black widows and I wonder if that was what killed her. I'm constantly hunting those around their pens). They'd had a few batches of eggs she hatched and no problem, however. Gwendolyn from their last batch shows recent sign of brittle feathering like a frazzle would. She lays tan eggs so I don't hatch hers though she stays with my other sets. She is 6 months old. She's a beautiful hen and its her wings primaries only.View attachment 2600042

I think the Frazzled feathers are noticeable from first feathering, I think she's probably just a Frizzle whose having feathering issues! Or perhaps maybe rooster issues like the other person said
Thank you everyone. I am fairly new to frizzles. I got these birds in February last year.

Gwendolyn's parents were isolated as a single pair in their own pen, because my Frizzle roo is a little turd and I didn't want any accidents on top of it.

I have one Standard (smooth) Rooster with my other hens and her. My second standard roo (her full brother) is in with the large non breeding chickens and has a dedicated 'girlfriend' americauna (hilarious, when I pick her up he chews me out). This roo she's with doesn't harass her. She has been known to squeeze through the coop door to go into the pasture. That's the only thing I can think is what broke the feathers on her wings. It just hasn't on my other Frizzle hen. They aren't related, however.

Does anyone have a feed specific nutrient that maybe assists frizzles feathers better? I have fish meal I can try adding. I recently started giving my stock some fenugreek and fennel in their scratch. The weather just can't make up its mind and is stressing some of my birds. I can tell by the laying cycle.

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