Anyone else have doubts?


8 Years
Jan 27, 2011
Alsace, France
I have two eggs on a test hatch, locked down in my hatcher on day 20.

They are Marans eggs, and although I can see the air cell (candled on day 18) my torch doesn't penetrate the rest of the shell.

Currently there is no rocking, peeping or pipping. I know I should be patient, but I've always had such bad hatches in the past (shipped eggs) that I have my doubts about these two... even though they are my own eggs, just a mutt cross, and other eggs that I cracked (to use as food) were fertile.


I'm going to be a nervous wreck until Monday!
Hang in there. sometimes I find the marans eggs might take a day longer, or more, to hatch than the other eggs, which only adds to the frustration level... Good luck on your hatch. Hope you get something after three weeks!
Yeah Marans eggs and me don't go well either they are hard for me to hatch, but I'm new at it I do have 3 very nice looking Marans for some hatches last year and want to order more. Good Luck
One of the eggs is cheeping!!!!

OMG, I can't bear the suspense!

Right on time on day 20

*must go out to distract myself*

*but what if I miss the pip*

*it'll be fine in the hatcher*

*OMG, I haven't got the brooder ready yet*

*it'll be fine in the hatcher for 24h*

You'd think it was my first time ever hatching... lol

I hatched a bunch last year, but I still find it sooo exciting, nerve wracking etc.

I'm now going out to prevent me from being glued to chick (egg) TV for the next two days!
Don't give up on the second egg too early either. I've read a post on the Marans thread where someone had an egg hatch on day 27. I think it was pinkchick. Good luck on your hatch!
I had 9 in lockdown, didn't think anything was going on. Suddenly yesterday, day 20, there was tapping and peeping. 10:00 last night a little chick hatched. No sign of anything from the others, I'm still a little hopeful, but at least it wasn't a wash.
If yours is peeping it may be soon!

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