Anyone else have ducks and chickens together...


10 Years
May 23, 2012
Mine were getting along fine until this weekend. Sunday, I noticed one of the ducks chasing a Silkie and biting her. I got her out of the run and put her in a spare rabbit cage. Today I noticed the same duck chasing my Sultan and pulling feathers from her neck. I moved her to the rabbit cage,too (it's a big cage). Now the little ******** is chasing the two other Silkies. My big chickens seem to do okay with the ducks, but these little ones are suddenly taking a beating.

Is this normal behavior for mixed flocks? The ducks just turned four months. They are Magpies. My small chickens are a year old. The big chickens are six months. They have been together for about two months now.

I'm going to make the run bigger and separate them. It's super hot right now, so I'm waiting until evening. The ducks aren't chasing right now, thank God. I was just curious if this was normal behavior. Leave it to me to get mentally ill ducks.
Are the ducks exhibiting this behavior young drakes? If so they are trying to mate with the hens - a practice that can be dangerous even fatal for the chickens. It sometimes happens with ducks raised with and imprinted upon chickens.
Are the ducks exhibiting this behavior young drakes?  If so they are trying to mate with the hens - a practice that can be dangerous even fatal for the chickens.  It sometimes happens with ducks raised with and imprinted upon chickens.

Exactly what I was going to say! Seperate them. I don't like ducks and chickens together for that very reason.
So far I've only seen the one duck do it. S/he doesn't try to mount the chickens, at least not that I've seen yet. Just chases them around the yard and grabs feathers out of their chest neck area.

I was worried about that. I had really hoped that I got all hens. Darn it! I tried sexing them at the feed store, but it was my first time, so I don't know that I did it right. I was going by a You-Tube video, lol.

They're getting separated tonight for sure. As soon as it cools down a little, I'll go back out and finish the duck pen. It's over 100 degrees today, bah humbug. "Ice, ice, baby". Ice bottles all around the run, lol.
Okay, so I just checked. Looks like two of the three have curls on their tails. Great. So I have two drakes raping my chickens. Anyone here from Arizona and want a drake?
Okay, so I just checked. Looks like two of the three have curls on their tails. Great. So I have two drakes raping my chickens. Anyone here from Arizona and want a drake?
Sorry, but this is a common thing with drakes and chickens. They need more females if you are going to keep them. Lots of females so they don't go after the chickens. Ducks can seriously injure or kill a hen due to different anatomy. Your female duck is going to need company too. This is a chance with straight run ducks and if you want females only you usually have to order from a hatchery. Here is a link on voice sexing too
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I got them separated finally. Still need to get rid of one of the drakes. I may have to put him on Craig's List. Even if I ordered hens, it would be a while before I could put them in with the boys.
I finished the duck's pen and found someone to take my extra drake. Things are much more peaceful now. My chickens seem happier. I'm getting four eggs a day now. That's out of six hens. The Sultan, who was the most picked on, has started laying daily. I'm so happy I got this figured out. Thanks for the help everyone. Now, hopefully my duck will start laying.

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