Anyone else have high house humidity?


8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
My house humidity is almost 50 on the second floor and 60 on the first floor.
I checked my hydrometer by putting it outside and it was 70 and the weather on my IPAD states that is what it is.
So if I need to keep my chicks at low humidity to incubate, how can I?
Aside from buying a dehumidifier which I am not going to do, too expensive and my house is large.
I have read over and over how people use 35 percent for day 1-18.
Welllllllllllllllllll I can't. I wonder if this is why I lost my last hatch.
OH and how do you incubate in the summer? Often the humidity then is 80 percent. :)

I am doing the happy dance today, I got a Brinsea 20 yesterday.
Well it is ordered and will be here the end of the month probably.
I am expecting SUCCESS NOW! But, this humidity thing is concerning me.
The only thing you can do is to try the first two and a half weeks with no added humidity. Keep records of the humidity in the bator three or four times a day noting the time, house humidity, and outside weather. If your bator is forced air, you may have a lower RH than you think. There are people who keep the RH higher than 35% throughout the hatch and do well. A broody's eggs are against her skin and it is really moist there....... good luck!

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