Anyone else have the flu?

I haven't gotten the flu bug yet, hope not to either. But my Mom has it. Her Dr. wanted to put her in the hospital, but she refused. She fot a couple of shots and is on a strong antibiotic.

Anywho, I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Our whole family had it, 3 days of > 100 fevers.

We'd taken the kids to a birthday party, somebody brought a little bug-factory to the party, because almost all the kids that had been there were sick a few days later ... then all the parents came down with it from their kids.
That sucks

Well Im still coughing but I can keep my food down now and walk around for more than two minutes without blacking out .
I think my daughter may have it, which means I am next.
She is home sick from school today -- very sick. We are seeing a doctor in a couple of hours so I will know for sure. I hope it's something else.
Thats how it started here. First my sister, then me, my mom and last came my dad. Stinkin Flying pigs!

( Haha, get it? Swine Flew? Maybe? no ....? )
Think we may have a mild case here. DD came home Wednesday from 3rd grade with a fever, headache aches etc. Today she has a croupy cough.

And, I am starting to ache, my throat is scratchy and I'm either freezing or roasting.

I can not be sick. I have Seramas hatching this weekend...
Just check yerself for a squiggly little tail, in case yer gittin that thar swine flu.
Hope everyone who is sick gets better soon!
I myself has a major phobia of vomit. Called emetaphobia. So I am paronoid of getting the stomach virus/flu/bug whatever you want to call it. I am germaphobic when it comes to human germs. Nature and animal germs dont bother me. Dirt,mud,animals, dont care. Its people germs I dont like. So I have stocked up on hand sanatizer

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