Anyone else making choke soup tonight?

Ok it is similar to potato soup. Jerusalem Artichokes get softer than a potato if boiled too long. So I brown 2 sliced onions and 1/2 stalk celery in a skillet. In a pot boil the whole/unpealed Jerusalem Artichokes and when they are getting soft remove half of them to add back later. Continue boiling until ready to mash. Remove water then mash. Add
4 cups milk
4 cups water
1 tbsp poultry seasoning
1 tsp Thyme
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp pepper
1 pound diced ham
1 diced apple fresh(gives texture and sweetness) but is submissive
add diced cooked Jerusalem Artichokes
bring to a light boil then let simmer 15 minutes
add the browned onions and celery
salt to taste, I like salt
The mashed chokes will create a thickening
It is good when served with fresh GUMP bread!
NOTE: reduction in amount of liquids added will cause gravy/sauce.
I sometimes add diced potatoes but this reduces the diabetic qualities of the Jerusalem Artichokes. Jerusalem Artichokes have a musky/smokey flavor that is hard to overpower with spice and could be used in small quantities as more of a spice than a main ingredient in other recipes. I am thinking of adding some to next time we make sausage.

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