Anyone else ordering from Superior Farms?

All of my Black and Blue Orp Bantams trio were from Superior Farm breedings, no other breedings infused in them. They are really elegant looking and the black sheen on my roo is beautiful!

Here are the pic of them:



I have to take better pics of them tomorrow if weather and DD allows!

I've been looking everywhere for day old chicks and have only come across one person. They wanted $8.00 a bird with a min. of 25, they weren't going to sex them. I was going to go along with it because they were honestly the only person I could find selling day olds. Now I have another option!!

I'm so excited!!
Thank you for the information and photos mikarod. It's very helpful for those of us who aren't able to get out to Superior Farms in person. I see a Malay order in my future.
No problem guys! Enjoy your orders! I see SEVERAL breeds that I'll be ordering! I had never seen Modern Game STANDARDS before! I love the bantams, but standards are SO much more my style!

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