Anyone else still fascinated with their new chickens?

I have 3 hens and a Roo...In April I let each child pic a chick at the local feed store, we got 2 Roos and a Aug. we Re-homed one of the Roos and purchased 2 more hens, one was 16 weeks and the other was 18. This has quite an education! I have never owned chickens before. A little more work than I thought but I probably do not have to clean the coop Daily like I do. 2 of my hens are laying now and we are so excited....I confess that I will open the fridge just to look and smile at my half filled carton of freshly laid eggs. Planning to use all 10 that I have right now to make egg salad this weekend.

I was just figuring this out today...thinking my first full dozen of eggs cost me about $250.

Worth every penny!
Surely worth every penny. Mine have learned this week how to climb the porch steps to come and see us in our 'coop'. They are so much fun!
I've had chickens for three years now and I have to say that I am even MORE fascinated with them and their personalities/behaviors/antics/etc. now than
when first started with them.

We are so 'into' chickens that we had to hatch out our own eggs - it all started with selling our fertile hatching eggs ( at that time we only had Barred Rocks ) and got such great feedback and photos from the people who hatched them showing our flock's 'babies'- so darn adorable!!!!

We now have two nice incubators ( Hova Bators 1588 with the Large Window and automatic temp/humidity display ) in which we do several 'hatchouts' of our fertilized eggs beginning in November so we will have POL pullets available for sale by April.

We were selling baby chicks and hatching eggs but we live near Atlanta and Chattanooga in the north GA mountains and I have had so many
requests - I mean over 100!!!!!!!! - asking for POL pullets. This Spring
we plan to be 'ready' with pullets as that seems to be what the demand is
in our area of the country.

I have digressed - sorry - I would be willing to bet that as time goes on you
will find yourself even more in love with them than you are now! Enjoy.

PS - I'm sitting here typing in the middle of the day
because I broke my leg while tending my flock several
weeks ago. Am I upset about it - yes - but the worst
thing about the cast up to my knee - zero weight bearing ordered by MD - so i am housebound and using a walker - is that I CAN'T TEND, SPEND TIME WITH OR EVEN SEE MY BELOVED FLOCK!!!!!!!!!!

Now I ask you, is that symptomatic of addiction or
what? lol
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I've had chickens for three years now and I have to say that I am even MORE fascinated with them and their personalities/behaviors/antics/etc. now than
when first started with them.

We are so 'into' chickens that we had to hatch out our own eggs - it all started with selling our fertile hatching eggs ( at that time we only had Barred Rocks ) and got such great feedback and photos from the people who hatched them showing our flock's 'babies'- so darn adorable!!!!

We now have two nice incubators ( Hova Bators 1588 with the Large Window and automatic temp/humidity display ) in which we do several 'hatchouts' of our fertilized eggs beginning in November so we will have POL pullets available for sale by April.

We were selling baby chicks and hatching eggs but we live near Atlanta and Chattanooga in the north GA mountains and I have had so many
requests - I mean over 100!!!!!!!! - asking for POL pullets. This Spring
we plan to be 'ready' with pullets as that seems to be what the demand is
in our area of the country.

I have digressed - sorry - I would be willing to bet that as time goes on you
will find yourself even more in love with them than you are now! Enjoy.

PS - I'm sitting here typing in the middle of the day
because I broke my leg while tending my flock several
weeks ago. Am I upset about it - yes - but the worst
thing about the cast up to my knee - zero weight bearing ordered by MD - so i am housebound and using a walker - is that I CAN'T TEND, SPEND TIME WITH OR EVEN SEE MY BELOVED FLOCK!!!!!!!!!!

Now I ask you, is that symptomatic of addiction or
what? lol
Oh no, so sorry you are hurt! Hope you are better soon!
I am happy to know that I am not the only one still fascinated with their new chickens. I have a broody hen that just hatched 4 chicks this weekend. The little peeps are so cute and are so tiny. I can tell you for sure that I think I will always have chickens!
May I chime in that I too love my chickens. Ordered 10 girls from Meyer that arrived July 23, and have been smiling ever since. I must admit that it seems that it will be 9 girls and one roo! Drat you Meyer Hatchery! It makes sense to "her" bossiness though. I am trying not to be sad or depressed about it as from what I have read on here so many times that a roo can really add to your chicken experience. I love all the comments about the things we all love. I especially love the night time sounds they make before bed, it reminds me of when my children were all little and I could tuck them into bed before 7:30pm, and how content it made me.

Nice thread!
Keep em coming!

We got our chickens in April and without a doubt, they are the best thing I've ever done for myself or my family as a whole. They are precious!! Every day I laugh at their antics. When I step outside and they come running to me it is the best feeling in the world. For sure there's nobody else who is so glad to see me every day LOL This past month, I've been laid off and have had a lot more time to spend with them. They have gotten a bit spoiled by all the extra treats and free-range time! When I let them out in the mornings, I'd better also be bringing breakfast, or they're lined up pecking on the door and peering through the glass. But that's only fair, because as of last week, they've started to lay, so now they are bringing MY breakfast, too! I've had a lot of pets in my life, but nothing even comes close to the love I have for my chickens
I've had a lot of pets in my life, but nothing even comes close to the love I have for my chickens

Most families have first day of school pictures of their kids and sometimes a picture will include their dog or cat. Not my family...we have first day of school pictures with our chickens. All my friends laugh and think it's cute, but they truly don't understand how much we love these chickens!!
Oh I am right there with you! I talked hubby into 3 that somehow turned into 12. Honestly I just wanted eggs. Turned out I got the best little therapists ever! I really love the anticipation we have going on right now waiting for those first eggs!

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