Anyone else tired of leftovers?

Nope, looking forward to tonights supper: leftover stuffed cabbage, pierogies, and blintzes.
Oops, almost forgot the kielbasa and sauerkraut.
Nope, I actually miss them. We have been going out for holiday meals because most of the family has moved awat. I would give anything to have some leftover ham and turkey, OOOHHH and it isn't a holiday meal without the CRANBERRY'S!!
SL, I'm coming over for YOUR leftovers! LOL!

I never really liked leftovers until I had to start cooking for myself away at college. Now I LOVE leftovers. Christmas and thanksgiving leftovers are the best. We also have some chinese food left over from christmas eve!
Maybe we should have a "leftover" swap... I have...

roast turkey, brined all night
green bean casserole,
sweet potatoes
bohemian dressing...

any takers?
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