Anyone else use Grubbly Farms feed? Opinions on it?

I was wondering if anyone else on here uses Grubbly Farms chicken feed and what your opinions on it are. Have you noticed a difference in their health, egg production, feather quality, etc., when using this feed compared to others? I would love anyones opinion on the feed and the differences you've noticed, or lack thereof, when on this feed. They are raising their prices again and it is going to be getting a little pricey to feed my 13 chickens, so I just want to see if it is worth it to still purchase this feed or if I should start to look elsewhere. I do like their delivery service as I live an hour away from the closest 3 cities, and with gas prices it costs $80 just to drive there. Let me know your opinions on this feed, I really appreciate it! :)

A bit late to the party, but have been using Grubbly Farms for about a year. We switched from some layer feed from our local Ace. Have noticed a considerable increase in egg strength and overall production. Does it justify the price? I don’t know, but the results are solid and I feel good about using insect protein.

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