Anyone else waiting for thier first egg?

My girls were 22 weeks yesterday, and still no eggs. RIR and BR have looked ready for weeks (bright red, big combs & wattles, checking out nestboxes). But no, nada.
Started giving them supplemental light in the mornings now that the daylight hours are dwindling. Sure hope that helps.

For every carton of eggs I've had to buy at the store, I keep thinking (HOPING!) it will be the last one. I've been asking them nicely when they're going to stop with the freeloading. They have nothing to say for themselves.
I have 4 laying out of 28 that are 18 to 23 weeks now. Two of 3 Black Sex Links, 1 of 4 EEs, and 1 of 6 Golden Comets are laying and we get 3 to 4 eggs a day. The other girls should start very soon. There are lots of red combs and waddles and several others have been squating for nearly 2 weeks now.

I keep thinking that "when they all start laying" I will have tons of eggs.

Hurry up girls! We have people waiting for eggs!
we have 4 barred rock hens and got our first egg the day before they were 6 months old. that was on 9-2-09, over the next twelve days we got 14. we are now getting 3 eggs daily fairly regularly.
I'm waiting... I try not to make it obvious to the chickens but I am SO excited. I have a bunch of chickens at various ages.
My oldest is a Barred Rock, she'll be 18 weeks on Thursday
She has a bright red comb and waddles ... she's a cute little chunk!
I also have some ducks that are just about the same age, but if I'm not mistaken, they take much longer... even until spring to start.

Next in age is my RIR, who will be 18 weeks on the 15th. She's so much smaller than my BR, but I think that's just her.
Thhhhheeennnn.... I have my six Australorps, who will be 18 weeks on the 18th.
I also have three EE who will be 18 weeks on Nov 17th, and one Brahma who'll be 18 weeks on the 24th of Nov.

It sounds to me like this is just a waiting game and it doesn't matter how much lecturing, lurking, or plain pestering we do... we are still subjected to when the ladies with the goods finally decide to deliver.
I've also come to terms with the fact that the hatchery made a big mistake and those seven roosters I've got .... aren't going to do anything but eat and poop. (Geezz I'm lucky they're friendly, and don't fight...still gotta find a home for them SOON.)

I felt so stupid last night... I put golf balls in the nest boxes, hoping that once they do come of age, they'll decide that that's where they should lay... I walked out to the coop peeked inside the boxes and momentarily forgot what I had placed there... oh man... I thought there were eggs galore in there! Duhhhhh....

Long story short, I just wanted to say that I'm in the same boat as a lot of people it sounds like!

Happy waiting!
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We're still waiting... 22 weeks and counting for the Barnevelders, 20 for the EE's. Some have developed the wattles (some still aren't anywhere near), but I keep checkin' and hopin' every day;)
Hi all~
I am not-so-patiently waiting also! My hens turned 19 weeks on Monday. I am so glad I am not the only one that tells their girls to get moving!!! I constantly tell them, "we need some eggs now girls, lets go!" and when I tell people that, they look at me like I need some help!!!!
Well.... I do have a white rock that "looks" ready, a buff orpington that "acts" ready (squats when touched) and someone keeps going into the nestboxes (finding feathers and messed up bedding) I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Speaking of waiting (impatiently here also!!)...

I rescued 4 Rhode Island Red hens. They're just a tad over a year old. They came from an egg & meat hatchery in the area. I got them about 3 weeks ago...they were malnourished and had been kept 3-to-a-cage their entire lives. When do you think they'll start laying again? I'm feeding them layer feed, oyster shell, grit and fresh cabbage, tomatoes, a little apple, pumpkin, etc. to supplement and give them something fun to eat. LOL! I've also noticed evidence of them being in the nesting boxes and a couple of them do squat when you pet them. They are very healthy and you can tell how far they've come - they've fattened up considerably and their feathers that had been plucked are growing in very nicely. Their combs, etc. look fantastic! One of them is a bit aggressive and she seems to be the boss.
LOL! My Buff Orpington rooster is in love with them - I let him go in with them after 2 weeks because I didn't want him in with my others...I know I risk 'losing' those 5, but he's happy and if something happens... Let's just not think about that.

I also have a flock that will be 4 months old on the 22nd (in a different coop & yard). I raised them from babies and it's a hodge podge - Polish, Silkies, Black Stars, Red Stars, Gold & Silver Laced Wyandotte's, Brahma Bantam' get the idea. Is it true that Silkies start laying early - like around 20 weeks?

Thanks!! I just love you guys!!
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Mrs. ChickChick - me too!! I 'scold' them everyday there are no eggs. LOL! The little moochin' freeloaders - that's what I call them!! Hee hee.
Every week my husband (who always goes grocery shopping with me - long story, but I'm disabled) and I look at each other when we BUY eggs and say, "Think this will be the last time we buy?"

Half the girls are red-faced and with well-developed combs and wattles. Somebody keeps moving the fake egg in the nest box around, and I think it's the same one who does the squat for me every day. I'm not going to put a light in the coop yet, though we're down to eleven hours of daylight, I think, because the coop belonging to the neighbour, with whom I split the order of chicks, is darker and gloomier than mine by a long shot--yet she got her first egg on Monday, when the girls were 19 weeks old exactly. I'll play the waiting game. If no eggs by Hallowe'en, then supplementary lighting.

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