Anyone else?


May 9, 2016
My 4 1/2 month old Cockerel loves to him on my boot and sit on it and swing on it. He actually will lay down and be very content on there. Anyone else have this behaviour before? I haven’t had a rooster so I haven’t experienced it before.
I only had a roo for 4 years before I had to re-home him 'cause I wasn't supposed to have him. (he went to a great little farm) I never had this problem. We respected each other's position in the flock. It sounds like he thinks you are one of his hens, :lau.
I think I would have to start training him to understand that you are the head chicken in charge, while still respecting his position as head of his flock, before he decides he can do more than assert himself over your foot. good luck :cool:

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