Anyone Else's Ducks Chowing Down on Oyster Shell/Grit?


8 Years
Aug 4, 2011
Central Wisconsin
I have 6 ducks: 2 drakes and 4 hens. I've noticed that my bucket of oyster shell/grit mixture has been really getting eaten at. The chickens just pick at it but the craters left in the bucket it is clear that the ducks are really shoveling it down. Is this normal this time of year? The pen that my ducks came out of was all dirt/poo so maybe they are just eager to fill their gizzards with grit? Or are my females replacing their calcium? The woman I got them from said she gave them oyster shell but honestly I didn't see any in the pen, so I don't know. I feed a 21 percent protein feed right now because everyone is molting. Normally they get an 18 percent flock raiser.

Any input is greatly appreciated :)
Mine girls have always eaten up the crushed oyster shell like I would potato chips!
I've read on here that some just put it out and refill as necessary. Mine is a daily deal; every morning they get a handful of oyster shell, in a seperate dish from the feed. I assume it's okay?
Yes, mine eat a lot when they are laying. The shell grit disappears like hot cakes! Mine have access to lots of small stones/gravel/sand as well so I think they want it for the calcium, rather than for their food grinding ability. Mine are on a really good breeder ration too. It does take a lot of calcium to produce eggs....
I think it appeared to be true that they need this special meal during the laying period.
Mine turn soft shell on the 4th and now it stopped laying...:(

So, you all just crush the oyster shell and mix in their meal?
Do you feed other type of natural supplements to your ducks?

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