Anyone ever had any experience with hatchery Red Broilers?

How long does it ussaly take for these red broilers to get to the butchering stage and are they the same as the black broilers? Also do they need space like a regular chicken or can you raise them like regular broilers?
From what I've read, people here butcher around 11-12 weeks. They seem to be alot more active than regular cornish x, I make sure every bird has adequate space, regardless of what breed they are, I'm raising mine just like I do crnx. I believe they are just like the black broilers.
Pics of them at two weeks:






I raised some red broilers this summer from Ideal poultry. I also had 3 cornishx hens that came with some feed I bought. The reds grew slower than the cornish did, but would go out and range outside all day. The cornish stayed in the coop constantly. That being said, I preferred the cornishx over the redbroiler, for butchering, and eating. The reds had a yellow skin, and when I plucked them icky yellow fat came out with the feathers, and when I cooked them, long and slow has been the best way, anything else they turned out tough. They did have a good amount of breast meat though. Now, the cornish cross, had white skin, and no ugly yellow fat on it, I have cooked one half of a hen, and it tasted very good. If you are raising just to resell, the reds are probably your best bet, they will freerange, and not eat nearly as much, they were all healthy, but for my own preference, I want a white-skinned chicken.
Mine are growing nicely, they will be three weeks tomorrow, they are mostly all uniform in size, 1 or two are slightly smaller, they are stout too, I wish I had a scale to weigh them. they are so healthy compared to cornish I have raised. They are much more active, and behave like chickens. I like em so far.
wow nice! I want to do meat birds this year as well! Trying to decide what kind is hard..I lie those red birds though! How are they now? Did you eat them yet?
They will be 11 wks monday, I will be butchering and processing this week. I have already eaten a couple, they were very very good, and tender. There's another thread of mine with the carcass pictures. Look for processed red broiler.

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