Anyone expecting a shipment from McMurray's this week?

I'm sorry for all the losses of chicks.

A great deal of the issues have to do with the weather this time of year. All the posts about DOA chicks always start showing up this time of the year. In most cases it's just too cold out to be shipping chicks. If people would order early for shipment later on in the season a lot of these dead chicks could be avoided. There was a thread on this exact subject a month or so ago that unfortunately became argumentative and was locked. It had a lot of good points in it about shipping chicks.
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How is the little polish doing today? I ordered just one (also a white crested black polish) that I was going to call 'my' special favorite... but my wife said she really likes the ones with the 'bad hair days' so I guess the chick is 'offically' my wifes now. The little polish chick is very easy to pick out/distinguish from the other 85 babies with her extra fuzz on the top of her head. Physically she does seem to be one of the smallest of the 14 varieties I ordered. So far she's doing well though.

Sadly, the little Polish didn't make it. These babies were so weak from the trip, I'm more determined than ever to establish my own breeding flock and never mail order again! I lost two more last night, and have two that are still not good. Good news is there are a few that I didn't think were going to pull through that are looking strong and healthy right now. Hope your flock of wee ones is off to a good start!
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I don't understand why they can't overnight the chicks like they do with my saltwater fish. Is it too dangerous to ship that way? You'd think it would lessen the stress. Also, they could easily put heat packs around the outside of the layered box to keep the babies warmer. My tropical fish and invertebrates ship all winter long like this without the cold affecting them.
Sorry to hear you had a bad shipping experience too. It's so sad and frustrating. I have a little bantam bully who even played tug of war with me with a paper towel I was attempting to place in the brooder. This tiny little one was pecking the weaker babies, and holding on for dear life. I fixed its little fuzzy behind - moved it to the brooder with the bigger chicks. Seems to have solved the problem.
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:frowHello! My name is Greg and I live in Ellenborro Wv. I am married with one daughter 3 dogs,1 cat and 1 fish. I am expecting my very first shipment of 27 chicks from MM to be sent out 2/21 and I am picking up 2 or 3 pigs on the 28th of Jan. I am so excited my coop and run are not completed yet:( however my brooder is ready for action. I have enjoyed reading all you post:frow
Welcome, Greg. Hope your chicks arrive safe and sound.

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