Anyone from Missouri?

Hi all! I'm new to the group and from Macon (about am hour North of Columbia). We currently have 8 hens (5 Salmon Faverolle & 3 RIR), two Roos (a lace wing Wyandotte that was supposed to be a hen and a Salmon Faverolle), and an Ancona duck. We're fairly new to chickens and are loving it!

Hi from Wappapello, Mo in southeast missouri! We currently have 43 chickens, 9 turkeys, 4 ducks, 2 cats and a dog and our numbers are still growing!!! Ive been using this website for a long time as a reference and for information, and it took losing my favorite jake to decide to join for more access and to post concerns, questions, or advice if i can give it :)

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