Anyone guess muscovy duck gender please


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 6, 2013
I have 2 muscovy ducks. I thought one was male and one was female.


the white one we though was male?


the black and white female?

Does anyone know? I am now thinking I might have 2 female? We have just found our first duck egg. I saw the white duck in the tree roots in a part that is small and cosy and nest like. I checked but found no eggs. My son found an egg earlier that appears to be a few weeks old and very dirty.
this is it compared to my leghorn egg. It is very waxy. I am assuming it came from the white duck and perhaps s/he buried it?

If they are laying eggs would it be once off? There is only the one egg. We have a very large property they free range so would there definately be a nest somewhere I need to try and find? Also do I have 2 females and need to buy a drake?
I have 2 muscovy ducks. I thought one was male and one was female.

the white one we though was male?

the black and white female?

Does anyone know? I am now thinking I might have 2 female? We have just found our first duck egg. I saw the white duck in the tree roots in a part that is small and cosy and nest like. I checked but found no eggs. My son found an egg earlier that appears to be a few weeks old and very dirty.
this is it compared to my leghorn egg. It is very waxy. I am assuming it came from the white duck and perhaps s/he buried it?

If they are laying eggs would it be once off? There is only the one egg. We have a very large property they free range so would there definately be a nest somewhere I need to try and find? Also do I have 2 females and need to buy a drake?
Looks like you may have 2 females, but I can only see the legs on the white one and they look slim which means girl, and you would only need a drake if you want babies.
I agree ML, they appear female do they make noises? like trills, coos, quacks? the males only hiss after babyhood females have the other ranges they also will be pretty compact, a tuck under your arm whereas drakes? nah, they are a definite two hander.

Old pic but gives you an idea... a pair of my whites from ages ago, under 1yo.. if you see not only a difference in overall sizing but legs, feet and so forth.
They are both the same size and can fly really well. They both talk, like a raspy squeak but definately don't quack and very softly. I guess they are both girls so I'll need to buy a drake.

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