Anyone had Black/White Magpie ducks?


10 Years
May 14, 2014
I saw these at the Ideal Poultry website, and thought they looked pretty interesting. My favorite duck ever was some type of cross between a crested duck, and black Swedish, I think. These reminded me of her.

I read they are good layers, not too big, etc. We live on a farm, and the ducks would be able to free range during the day. Not really needing a pet type situation, my wife likes a couple ducks around to watch.

Just curious if anyone is experienced with them, or also, Ideal's ducklings.
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(I am uploading a photo from my phone so I don't know how well it will work) I have a magpie.! I love her so much, her name is Athena and she is very friendly. She doesn't cry out much unless she can't see her friend or if she wants some more lay crumble, she gets along well with my pit bull and pug, her friend is a chicken. She will let me approach her and love up on her, and she likes it most the time. She's very interesting to watch.
I have some Magpies from Ideal poultry, and I must say they have become my favorite ducks! Their eggs are big compared to the other ducks, more round. I just just love them!
Here are some pictures of them!

Oh wait, that last ones animated....

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