Anyone hatching 20th or 21st? Hatch with me!!!

We got our first chick.
This is our first successful hatch. We have a whole bunch more that are pipping.
I had 10 eggs in the hatcher and 5 BO hatched yesterday. One had pipped yesterday and still hadn't hatched this morning. When I came home from work today I finally opened the egg around his 24 hr pip. He was stuck. The only part that was "humid" was the part around the pip. His/her body in the egg was stuck. So glad I did! I had one other chick who hatched wholly deformed. His legs didn't work and some of his organs were gathered in the rearend. It looked kind of like spinal bifida. The wings were misplaced and the body twisted. That was upsetting. It was in pain, shaking and chirping, and I had my husband cull it.
How sad for your little one that had to be culled. At least it is no longer suffering.

I too had to help one of my little ones out. I waited 24 hours and refused to wait any longer. It was apparent it would not make it out on its own. He seemed to be in a position which prevented him from turning to "zip". He/she/it is doing great and so far it's my favorite chick. This chick deserves a special name... now gotta find one.
This is my first hatch in years. I was out of the chicken business for about 9 years and used to hatch eggs for my older kids every spring. I decided my younger kids should have the experience and timed the hatch to happen on my son Charlie's birthday which is tomorrow. I put 42 eggs (Americaunas, Golden Comets, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Black Sumatras and Salmon Faverolles) in the incubator over two days the first and second of May and they started pipping holes this morning. There were 4 eggs pipping when I left today at 3:00 and when we got home at 8PM about one third had holes pipped in them and the first amercauna chick was hatched. My son doesn't want to go to bed. He wants to watch them hatch. Exciting!
Today 9:52 pm CrimsonTide248 wrote:
We got our first chick. This is our first successful hatch. We have a whole bunch more that are pipping.

Crimson... congratulations!! Isn't this exciting!!

I see that this is going to be very addicting!​
It sounds like everybodies hatches are going well! I have all 10 of my first Muscovies out(these are from my hens), I have six ( eggs which I bought) which went in 24 hrs later and they have started to pip!

Out of the 10 that are out all but 2 look great. One still hasn't absorbed all his yoke and I don't think he is going to make it. The second I am worried about is still attached to the egg by a small pink thing?.

Even if I lose these 2 I think 8 out of 10 for muscovies is pretty good!

I can't wait to see pics, especially of the turkeys as I think that is what I will try next!
I have 11 chicks out seems like the other 7 have died in the shell i do not know why. I have 1 turkey chick out and 1 zipping now. This is my 1st time with turkey eggs and wow they look so different from chicken chicks. I have 2 left that have not piped yet.

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