Anyone hatching Dec 14th? Looking for hatching buddies for 1st hatch!

Ok here's the newest family members... enjoy!


Dec 19th thru 20th, all 12 chicks hatched


Already learning to scratch & eat


Lacie (mother hen)


Rocky Roo (daddy)
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Thank you suechick! Today I notice a bunch of the chicks have random sprits of spotted black fuzz through out they're bodies, I can't wait to see what color patterns develop when feathers start to sprout. It's like having Dalmatian chicks!
I'll see if I can capture them on pics.
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Hi all,

I am going into lockdown. I have the temp and humidity right. (I think) But, what about opening the little air holes? I have a forced air incubator. There are holes for me to put in water. There are about four holes that are plugged. Should I unplug them. Also, I have 7 eggs that look good. I just removed four others that I can see right through, nothing in them. (I was waiting until the end to make sure.) Thanks, and Happy holidays!
DO NOT REMOVE the plugs! You'll loose your humidity level if you do. You only need to remove them after ALL your chicks have hatched so they can dry but the chances of them all hatching all at once is slim so don't bother, leave the plugs in place. If your brooder is ready to go with your warming lamp in place and either some paper towels or a real towel under it you can remove your chick(s) after an hour or so as needed and place them under the warming lamp to dry. You can reference my photos taken 12//21. Be sure to place the heat lamp 19 & 24 inches above the floor of the brooder depending on the temp of the room it is in. If you have a spare one, place a temp gauge under the lamp as well to monitor the heat. It can be between 100-110 degrees directly under it and the chicks will move around under it to adjust themselves to what is comfortable to them. Proper temp for them the first week is 95 degrees. Then you'll decrease it 5 degrees every week by raising the heat lamp for 6 weeks or until they are fully feathered. I've used dimmer switches on the heat lamps to control the heat as well, they work really slick.
Happy Hatching !

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