Anyone hatching on 20/21st August?

mine are due 21st, but they are blue ameraucana and brown maran eggs so I haven't been able to see anything at all ... hope none are bad because I don't want them exploding on me
I've got 10 mutt eggs under a broody due the 20th. I started off with a dozen, some green, some brown and some white, with one pure bantam cochin egg, under two broodies. I candled on day 7, and two were clear. My roos are a silver-laced polish and a blue bantam cochin, with a variety of purebred hens. They should be fun babies!

Yesterday, day 15, I put all 10 eggs under the same broody so I could give the other broody 4 silkie eggs.

5 more days on the mutts and bantam cochin... come on babies, let's keep growing! Mama needs chickies!
I have 5 mixed eggs under my broody due 21st. This is my first time too and I'm very excited but also getting nervous! I just hope they dont all turn out to be cockerels!
I candled mine again last night and it looks like I've lost another blue EE egg.
That leaves me with 3 of the 6 I started with plus 7 of the 8 brown eggs developing nicely. I won't go on lockdown until the 20th, so my hatch will probably be a day or two behind most of yours.

Happy hatching everyone, post lots of baby pics.
well.. Mine are out of the turner and humidity's around 70% (its amazing, if you follow the bator directions and fill the two channels they tell you too it starts at 72%..grin)
I have 10 full eggs.. can't see that they are moving inside, I'm a little worried cuz the eggs are pretty darn small for orp chicks to be inside.. I am on standby to help them out if they havent pipped after the bigger two eggs zip... I'm not a patient person and practiced on the last hatch.. They had all pipped and I helped 5 of the 7 out of the shells (like they would , slow/zipping and popped the big end off an let them unfold and get out of the other side in their own time.. ) and all lived and are doing great...
I have 2 "mystery" chicks that should hatch 21-22. Then I have 3 more of the same due 5 days later... they are "mystery chicks" because I have 2 roos and six different breeds of hens--- and well "mystery chicks" sounds more exotic then mutt chicks!

LOL.. Hoping for the same thing.. my perfect world would be all 10 of mine hatch with 2 cockerels..
However in my real world I'll get about 6 hatch and 4 will be cockerels..

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