Anyone Hatching on June 6, the D-Day anniversary.


9 Years
May 9, 2010
By Lake Superior
I'm old school so that's how I think about June 6 every year, the Normandy Landings that started the invasion of Europe. When I grew up everyone's dad was s WWII vet. I have 10 Icelandic eggs that went from the egg turner incubator to the hatching incubator tonight. Anyone else hatching on Saturday??
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I'm old school so that's how I think about June 6 every year, the Normandy Landings that started the invasion of Europe. When I grew up everyone's dad was s WWII vet. I have 10 Icelandic eggs that went from the egg turner incubator to the hatching incubator tonight. Anyone else hatching on Saturday??
I went into lockdown tonight and if this hatch goes like my last two we'll see hatching tomorrow night-Saturday. (Though Sunday would be the "official" hatch day. Good luck with yours!
I went into lockdown tonight and if this hatch goes like my last two we'll see hatching tomorrow night-Saturday. (Though Sunday would be the "official" hatch day. Good luck with yours!
I'm hoping for a good hatch. Had one air cell that looked a little small, but the rest are looking good. Good luck on yours as well.
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We had an early hatcher today. Put them on lockdown just last night. Guess this one was eager to meet the world. (6/6)
I have some going now, the eggs are Easter egger, Barred Rock mix. Today is day 20, had four out of 27 hatch so far.

So far I have 7 out of 10 hatched, Have a pip on an 8th. Hoping for at least an 80% hatch. I'll be happy with that. Had one that was shrink wrapped this afternoon that is fine now after I got it out and dipped it some warm water at 99.5 degrees to wash the crap off and made her feel fine. First one I have been able to save in a while. Enjoying hatching again.

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