Still nothing since the pips. I can hear them chirping though which is encouraging. I just gotta lay low and stay away! You'd think as often as I do this I'd learn to just stay away and wait it out!!!! Its always so exciting though! Its even more exciting this time around because I have some mixed eggs in there and I'm so curious as to what those chicks will look like!!!
Woke up this morning and 2 new chicks in the incubator!! I'll post pictures later if I can. My camera is giving me problems. I think the battery pack is dying. They are so cute though!!
you guys are so lucky

i aint even had a internal pip let alone an external

ali chicks can survive on the yolk for upto 72 hours

never take out chicks before all are hatched you end up loosing presious humidy and can get shrink wrap

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