A great succesfullll first hatch!!! For me.
Hatched 7 out of 7 :)
Deff puttig more eggs in 2 weeks
Anyone else wanna join me?
you guys are so lucky

i aint even had a internal pip let alone an external

ali chicks can survive on the yolk for upto 72 hours

never take out chicks before all are hatched you end up loosing presious humidy and can get shrink wrap
I know, but i think he/she took it out before the others had finished hatching. :c

But its good to see they didn't shrink wrap! :D
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Congrats they are hatching!!!

Another good news,
I was using this $10 3 egg incubator that i had
Nooo hope that it was gonna work,
But one egg was still good, so i put it in my other eggs in lock down,
It never hatched but i saw a pip this morning!!
So an extra chick!!!!' :))))
2 days late, hope its not deformed.
Today is day 21. Nine hatched out over the weekend a little early. I have four eggs left in the incubator and I finally have a pip on one of the eggs. When I candled before lockdown, I did have two questionable eggs so I'm only expecting two more to hatch out. I'm going to give them more time. I've had chicks hatch out as late as day 25. I think they are like human babies, some come early, some come right on time, and some are a little late! As long as they get here happy and healthy is what is important (and hopefully majority hens)! Waiting on this late comer is hard though. I keep peeping in the incubator because I keep hearing it chirping!!

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