Anyone have pic of mature Danish Brown Leghorn pullet


11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Clay, Alabama
Hi, all! We ordered chicks from Ideal Poultry, and they arrived today! My boys are SO excited!

Since we homeschool, I am trying to put together a compilation of information and pictures of each breed we ordered for the boys to study. I can't seem to find a photo of an mature Danish Brown Leghorn pullet. Would love to include this in our information, if you have one please post!

We ordered (all pullets for eggs/pets):
3 Danish Brown Leghorns
3 Exchequer Leghorns
2 Buff Brahma (standard)
2 Dark Brahma (standard)
2 Buff Cochin Bantam
2 red Cochin Bantam

Hope this turns out to be a good selection. We have coyotes in the area and will have to keep them in a run. I think I've researched all the basics but welcome any "odd" pointers you may have! :)

Thanks in advance!
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Here is the only one I have.She is behind the fence so the picture is not the best.Hope that helps.
Here are my two danish brown hens and my pair of exchequers.
Not the best picture, will try to get better ones tonight. During the day they run around too much(99% of pics are blurry). Although its only the exchequer hen that creates all the hype, she gets everyone wound up(this bird will scream non-stop when caught, no matter how long you carry her around).
I would really appreciate any other pic's you are able to catch.

Do your danish browns and exchequers get along well? I'm not positive I have a good selection--temperament wise. I chose the cochin & brahma because it said they were very alert, etc.,

We had hoped to just let them free-range, but after much consideration, I really don't think that is going to work. We have Akitas in a fenced a backyard, but that won't keep the chickens from flying over! Plus, we have coyotes that come quite close already--I'm not planning to invite them for dinner :)

Thanks, again!
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I ordered buff and red cochin bantams from Ideal two, they are gorgeous and oh so friendly, I ended up with a boy and girl of each color.
Wow! I've got a couple posts here!

Environgirl11--my username doesn't signify anything particular. I'm trying to get our family moved to the "green" in more environmentally conscious and more of a self-sustained lifestyle. Although I have to admit, we're not very close, yet! ;-)

SamG347---thank you, thank you! I have one question, that I hope doesn't sound "too newbie"--is this picture a rooster or a hen? Honestly, I have never really been around chickens before, so I don't know what mature chickens of this breed will look like. Some breeds I can't really tell the difference at all.

I'm still learning this site, too. I wanted to post a cute chick picture, but I can't figure out how. Any pointers?

Thanks, again!

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