anyone heard of crock pot incubation?

This article appeared in Backyard Poultry or chicken magazine a couple of years back. The print is probably too small to read on here, but I'll try. It looked intriguing at least.


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My grandma never had an incubator but she hatched a lot of chicks, ducks, and geese just using a light bulb. She would put a towel (bath or kitchen) down, her eggs (marked of course) either a damp wash cloth or small dish of water, another towel and a light bulb hanging above. I don’t remember her having a thermometer to keep the temp steady but she had a lot of success. She would have wash tubs full of biddies in her mud room.
I have got to know where to find more info on the electric skillet method. I have one and my DH want's to get rid of it because we never use it, but I don't have an incubator or at least I didn't.
I know this is an old thred, but has anyone tryed any of these ideas? I used a heating pad a long time ago, it would have work better with a little better set up. I'm trying to make up my mind if I want a quick fix, make my own {ok my dad or grandpa would do it} or just buy one???
Heating pad won't work... The new ones all have auto shut off after 15 minutes to protect you against the burns that the older ones could give you since their temp fluxuated to high on ocasion... So in my opinion no wont work at all....
Yeah, I've read that lots of old timers didn't have near the fancy stuff we do and had great luck with hatching. I've heard of a wooden box sitting close to the woodstove and wet rags inside, too. Seems like it worked for them.

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