Anyone in WV???

I have some FREE Roosters if anyone would be interested. I have 4 Rhodebar (hatched 8-13-12) and 1 Crested Cream Legbar (hatched 9-2-12) all from Greenfire Farms. I also have 1 Wheaten Maran (hatched 8-25-12). I live in the Scott Depot area. Pick up only. Just send me an IM if interested or if you have any questions. Thanks!

Don't need any roosters now, but I also have the CLB, would you be interested in swapping some eggs next summer. Mine are also from GGF, so any genetic diversity I can get will be good!! (I have 6 pullets and 4 cockerels) I'm just down the road in Crosslanes
Don't need any roosters now, but I also have the CLB, would you be interested in swapping some eggs next summer. Mine are also from GGF, so any genetic diversity I can get will be good!! (I have 6 pullets and 4 cockerels) I'm just down the road in Crosslanes
Unfortunately I lost all of my pullets this summer due to a raccoon. What am expensive last meal for that coon! I was able to save a few eggs prior to losing them but all that I hatched were two roos. I'm keeping one to breed to my rhodebar pullets and see what I get with them. I should still get auto-sexable chicks that lay a green egg or at least thats what I'm hoping.
Hi Fellow Mountaineers!
We are in Wood County. Just started with chickens this past spring, and we're totally hooked, too!

We are going to do the New Years Day Hatch-a-Thon, and would like to add 4-6 different eggs to our bunch. We were wondering if anyone in our neck of the woods might have any hatching eggs to sell that I might be able to drive to pick up in the next couple of days. I would love to add some silkies, or ameraucanas, araucanas, marans, but are open to most others. We have a Buff Orpington roo and Red Production sex link hens. We hatched a batch of their eggs this fall and got some really nice looking chicks.

Anyway, if anyone has some to part with in the next day or two, please email me: [email protected]
Thanks Beekissed! I have messaged a couple of folks on Craigslist in the area who miiight have a few fertile eggs within easy driving distance.
BTW...I am near Wirt County...on the banks of the Little Kanawha:)
Thanks to WVstruttin...we have silkies coming
I am SO excited!!!

Yes Beekissed, we are off of Buckner Bend Road:)

Oh my goodness, did I say I am excited?!?
Greetings to wvdoubledfarms:)

So excited...set in my NYD eggs at noon today!
Special thanks to WVstruttin who came through with silkies


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