Anyone in WV???

No I can't say that I have, I did a quick google and came up with nothing. I did come up with an article on the Chicken, according to the article all poultry has the change to be a naked neck. It is in a third set of receptors that is set in the first 7 days of the embryos life. It is an extra chunk of BMP 12, so I guess that if a duck gets that extra chunk of DNA that would cause it to have the naked neck. The cells that are responsible for feather production do not adhere to the neck when that extra DNA is present, I have not heard of someone getting that abnormality in a duck and then breeding for it. Never even heard of a duck being born that way, though I can imagine it must have happened somewhere.
wow, great looking site!!! Loved all the information and the old pictures. Didn't take you long to get it set up - that was a lot of content!

let me know how the shopping cart works for you. I was afraid to add that because I didn't want to take more orders for eggs than I can handle. I've done that in the past and it isn't fun
wow, great looking site!!! Loved all the information and the old pictures. Didn't take you long to get it set up - that was a lot of content!

let me know how the shopping cart works for you. I was afraid to add that because I didn't want to take more orders for eggs than I can handle. I've done that in the past and it isn't fun

Yes I thought about that and am still debating that option. I do have instruction to contact me first but I know how some people don't read content. I need to still add my breed pages and get updated photos of my birds. It was a lot of content and by the end of the third day my shoulders were screaming at me to quit typing.

I like the way you have drop down menus on your tabs, I think I'm going to add something like that. Your pics are awesome too. What type of camera do you have? My second favorite hobby, after chickens, is writing. I want to add some nice crisp photos to my blog. Right now I'm using my Ipad3 for photos but want to invest in a good camera and photo editing software.

Oh I've been thinking about your Blue Slate eggs, I have a tom and would like to pair him up. Do you have a lot of trouble moving eggs or poults from them locally? I've not had much interest in my turkeys locally, chicken, geese and ducks seem to be what is hot here but in my heart I want that boy to have a wife.

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