Anyone in WV???

I need to rehome my Japanese bantam rooster Daril. My RIR rooster will not quit trying to hurt him and I don't want him killing Daril. I am in Weston, any takers? He's very sweet, fairly tame and FREE.
Does anyone near Charleston or Huntington have any chicks for sale? I attempted my first hatch of 6 eggs and only 1 hatched so I have a lonely chick. I'd prefer a silkie but at this point it doesn't really matter... Thanks!!

I live just outside of Charleston, in Roane county. I have a few standard Cochin mixes that are just over a week old. I love them but can't stand the thought of a lonely chick. I go to Elkview all the time and Huntington occasionally. I would be happy to give you one or 2 if you want them.
Thanks for the offer ShannonDee12! The chick is no longer lonely thanks to cowmommy2001 giving me a chick to put with it! I do plan on eventually getting cochins not for awhile :). Both chicks are doing great with each other even with the size difference! :)
Thanks for the offer ShannonDee12! The chick is no longer lonely thanks to cowmommy2001 giving me a chick to put with it! I do plan on eventually getting cochins not for awhile :). Both chicks are doing great with each other even with the size difference! :)

No problem. Let me know if you want more later. I would be happy to share. Lol. I don't have a pure breed of Cochin yet. They are barred rock Cochin and red sex link mix but they are from my chickens and I love them. :)
Aww I bet they are pretty :). My little chick is a mix too - red sex-link and either black austrolorp or lavender ameracauna - she's yellow with like 3 small black spots...

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