Anyone in WV???

I'll PM you when my eggs in the bator hatch out. Should be around the 24th or the 25th of this month. Of course I won't know what sex they are for several weeks but you are welcome to come see if you'd be interested in one or more. I may trade you for a Roo? Lol get some new breeding stock. Let me know if you are interested. Here is pics of the pullet I'll b getting and the little cockerel that's to be her mate:
Sounds like a plan to me..Id be more than happy to buy when your eggs hatch and are older.. You can have a roo(or 4)..Id be more than happy to just see them have a new home..if there was an olympic sport in crowing, i have the winning team here..and trying to keep all the roos separate from the 3 hens that I have, its almost impossible and then when they all get together, the poor girls get harrassed by all of the boys..I have a splash hen and a red hen..The neighbors dogs got my olny other silkie hen, she was a black..I have a pair of what was sold to me as black dutch banties, but they lack the white earlobe so not sure what they are..I call them black backyard banties
The rest of my flock 13 hens and a HRIR roo are all LF, so the Silkies and Japanese Bantams will have their own coops w/runs. I have 6 white crested polish Chicks that will b here around the 18th or 19th. I plan on raising the polish, and Bantams for show and sale. Maybe get these girls to pay for themselves after all. Lol. The Silkie pullet I'm getting probably won't be my breeder hen, according to the friend I'm receiving her from her skin is too pale to meet SOP, but she's beautiful and hopefully will be a good broody for me ( at least she can sit on eggs, hatch and raise them for me)! Lol. My husband won't be to happy about all the new additions but he won't care as much once they start paying for themselves.









Here are they showgirls i just got in it is two roosters and three hens. I got them in the quaritian pen with some others I just got. I love them one rooster and two hen are bow ties and a pair of clean necks! :)









Here are they showgirls i just got in it is two roosters and three hens. I got them in the quaritian pen with some others I just got. I love them one rooster and two hen are bow ties and a pair of clean necks! :)

Oh Dear...Uh I'm not a big fan of the Naked Necks or "Show girls". I have nightmares about vultures and for some reason they remind me of them. I know they can be beautiful birds and I'm glad they have fans and people who love the dickens outta them, but it can't be me! Lol I'll stick to my Silkies and Barnyard mutts, Thank you. Roflmbo.
Oh Dear...Uh I'm not a big fan of the Naked Necks or "Show girls". I have nightmares about vultures and for some reason they remind me of them. I know they can be beautiful birds and I'm glad they have fans and people who love the dickens outta them, but it can't be me! Lol I'll stick to my Silkies and Barnyard mutts, Thank you. Roflmbo.
well I just got two of them to. Two are white silkie cochin cross, one is a red sizzle rooster X to a gold frizzled polish hen the guy told me, and one pure red bantam frazzled Cochin , to.



I havent lost any to anything other than the neighbors dog, but its no longer around.. I let all of mine, (18 silkies and 3 backyard banties) have free range..everyone os locked up at night of course but they do great

Hi BobbyJo,
Haven't chatted with you in a few days. Got some bad news Saturday or so, I won't b getting the Japanese Bantams I was expecting, turns out the hen that he was counting on t lay the eggs died and the young mans Mom won't let him buy another. Anyway that means I'll have more room in the bantam coop for more Silkies. Can you send a pic of the Roos you have?

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