Anyone in WV???

Traveled to DC during this blizzard, 24 inches of snow at DD's house! Fun time!!! I survived the blizzard of 2009 in DC!!! Came home today to 24 inches of snow here in Randolph Co. Thank the God's for 4-wheel drive!!!
I hear ya on the 4-wheel drive! We just had to travel into town and everything was icy and patchy. I didn't have any problems but every knuckle head and their sports car was out. Idiots
I have to say, the people with four wheel drive that think they can go 80 on a sheet of ice just because they have 4xdrive are just as bad. Another pet peeve, clean the snow off of your vehicle before you get on the interstate. nothing like a huge sheet of ice lifting off of the car in front of you and landing on your windshield~!

I agree! You wouldn't believe the nuts with 4-wheel drive speeding on interstate 66 that would pass us only to wind up in a ditch line a mile ahead of us Friday night in the dark. Gotta slow down big time even with 4-wheel drive!!! One more, the drivers on an interstate when they go to pass in a snowy wet left lane almost wrecked us today with snow and ice coming back onto us like snowballs and ice on the windshield!!! That was with the windshield wipers going.
Snowed in but made it out here in Berkeley Springs! 24" at my house too. Lovely stuff.

Dave managed to catch my Blazer on fire trying to get it to move Saturday night. Men! They just had to go to the store! I know they really wanted to go play in the snow without me being along because I don't allow the shenannigans (sp) they like to pull. I think they just got the tires hot but I will know more today. Luckily they were still in the driveway and was able to put out the fire quickly with my fire extinquisher. Boys young and old can be such idoits!

Had an extended family Christmas yesterday and all made it to my fathers and home safely. We had a wonderful time.

Tuff - how were the rockettes?

I will post a few "dogs in the snow" pictures in a bit.
We had about 8 inches of snow but we live on a mountain that kept us snowed in for a while with no electric to stay warm... so we had to use the fireplace in the den and we all camped out in there for the night. It was warm enough BUT we were relieved to have the electric back last night
Love the pics of Wyatt and the Christmas Tractor, Erin.

Here are a few of mine:




Chicken Tractor:

Ragamuffin and Bailey in...THE RACE


My two sons Matthew and Christopher with Taylor

Sled riding

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